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What We Do

Image by Tim Mossholder

Coordinated Entry


Coordinated entry ensures that people experiencing or at risk of homelessness can have fair and equal access to housing resources. First, an assessment is coordinated with a local organization. Then based on the need, vulnerability, and availability of resources people are connected to the best resources during bi-weekly confidential case conferencing meetings. 

We participate in the  Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care (Mo BoS CoC) Region 5 Coordinated Entry initiative.

This program is designed to alleviate some of the property owners/landlords, and managers' financial risks in leasing to vulnerable tenants using housing vouchers. Currently, a $500 cash incentive is open to any property owner taking a housing voucher and $1,000 will be held for repairs upon the tenant's moving out.

Image by Aaron Sousa
Image by Joel Muniz

Project Homeless Connect is a bi-annual event that provides a one-stop shop for people experiencing homelessness to access community services.

What We Do: Programs
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