Homelessness Data
BCCEH coordinates reports for the Boone County Prioritization List. Here is some information reflected in that report:
Point in Time Count data for Boone County for the last 5 years:
We are making progress people have found housing using two specific types of vouchers administered by the Columbia Housing Authority. These numbers do not include Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8).
updated monthly
last updated 06.12.2024
The Point in Time (PIT) Count is a literal count of all the people who experience homelessness in our community on a single night (i.e. at a point in time). This count is conducted in every community nationwide in the last 10 days of January at least every other year. This provides communities, the federal government, and agencies with a “snapshot” of the situation of the most dire homeless in the community.
ICA hosts the PIT summary and data dashboard.
Boone County numbers are included in the Ballance of State (MO BOS).